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Phenyl Silicone Fluid


Phenyl Silicone Fluid

CAS No.: 63148-58-3

Product Overview


Product code : SC-550

Chemical Name: Phenyl Silicone Fluid

Other Names: Phenyl methyl polysiloxane, Phenyl methyl siloxane, Polyphenylmethylsiloxane, Phenyl Methyl Silicone Oil, Methyl Phenyl Silicone Fluid

Equivalent Products: Dow Corning 510, Dow Corning 550, Dow Corning 710


Phenyl Methyl Silicone Oil SC-550 is a colorless transparent liquid. Because of the phenyl group on the polymer chain, it has excellent radiation, oxidation and temperature resistance. 


*  Excellent resistance to high and low tempratures (-40 ~ 300°C)

*  Low volatility

*  Excellent heat transfer characteristics

*  Flat viscosity temperature curve

*  Good compressibility

*  Good oxidation and radiation resistance

*  Good miscibility with organic resin 

Physical properties 

AppearanceColorless transparant liquid 
Viscosity(25℃, cSt)751001251505001000
Specific Gravity, g/cm31.020~1.0801.020~1.100
Refractive Index, nD251.4800~1.49501.4900~1.5150
Flash Point, ℃≥280≥300≥300~320
Freezing Point, ℃≤-40
Volatility(250℃/2hr), %<2%<1%



As lubricant:

1. Base oil for high temperature greases.

2. Lubricating oil for high temperature instruments.

3. Impregnating oil for the use in high ambient temperatures.

As heat transfer medium:

1. Heat-treating baths for specialty metals.

2. Heat exchange fluid for research apparatus and instrument calibration baths.

3. Heat transfer oil in capacitors, transformers and various electronics.

As thermostat fluid:

1. Suitable for the use in thermostat systems which should be kept clean.

As insulating oil:

1. Suitable for the use under high pressure as an insulating oil.

As plastic additives: 

1. Suitable for the use in polycarbonate formulations as an additive for flame retardancy.  



Please contact STARCHEM for any special packaging request.


Store in a dry and cool place. 

Star Chem Factory Established in the year 1996, our company, Hubei Star Chem Co., Ltd. was established for international trade for several years. Our products are very popular, if you are interested in our products, please contact us as soon as possible. Email: jane@hubeistarchem.com

Product Name: Phenyl Silicone Fluid